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Women's Ministry

Through this ministry, women are empowered, encouraged, and uplifted to be made whole in body, mind, and spirit. The women of Grace Community are our driving point behind all our mission work! Every year they look forward to their biggest event mission event known as Ladies Day.

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Children's & Youth Ministry

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54: 13.


Our Children's ministry is our future! Our directors make sure the children thrive in their spiritual growth. Our children are always joining in any way they can and have become known for their Christmas production. Our youth, ages 13-35, gather to disciple and empower each other to fulfill their God-given purpose by establishing a culture of connectivity! Both departments are active on our Praise Dance Team.

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Men's Ministry

Our men gather in ministry to learn how to become better disciples of Christ. Discipleship brings growth and transformation that allows men to serve Christ and fulfill their destiny. The men of Grace Community can be found helping in every sector of the church.

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